Recommended for managing Database Tools:
PhpMyAdmin is a free software tool written in PHP, intended to handle the administration of MySQL over the Web. phpMyAdmin supports a wide range of operations on MySQL, MariaDB and Drizzle. Frequently used operations (managing databases, tables, columns, relations, indexes, users, permissions, etc) can be performed via the user interface, while you still have the ability to directly execute any SQL statement.

Firebird is a relational database offering many ANSI SQL standard features that runs on Linux, Windows, and a variety of Unix platforms. Firebird offers excellent concurrency, high performance, and powerful language support for stored procedures and triggers. It has been used in production systems, under a variety of names, since 1981.

MySQL is the world's most popular open source database. Whether you are a fast growing web property, technology ISV or large enterprise, MySQL can cost-effectively help you deliver high performance, scalable database applications.

DBDesigner 4 is a visual database design system that integrates database design, modeling, creation and maintenance into a single, seamless environment.
It combines professional features and a clear and simple user interface to offer the most efficient way to handle your databases.

CSVed is an easy and powerful CSV file editor, you can manipulate any CSV file, separated with any separator.
The listview is running in virtual mode, that means the data is displayed on demand. (not the entire CSV file is loaded in the listview) so CSVed can handle big files and is very fast.

SqlDbx Personal:
SqlDbx Personal Edition is a free version of the Professional Edition, and is for personal non-commercial use. It does not have time limit or nagging screens.
You can use SqlDbx Personal Edition in a commercial environment for evaluation purposes for period of 3 months.

MySQL-Front is a Windows front end for the MySQL database server. The database structure and data can be handled via dialogs or SQL commands. Import and Export in standard file formats is supported. The MySQL server can be connected directly or via HTTP tunneling.

HeidiSQL is a useful and reliable tool designed for web developers using the popular MySQL server, and Microsoft SQL databases.

There are many tools for managing databases, but according to our experience, we chose this list for being the most efficient and most of all to be free. Note: downloads are made directly to the website each application.
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